Portal Features
sTMS Cloud Features list hightlight of each portal capabilities
Comlete Workflow
- Use multiple companies to manage projects
- Manage customers
- Manage vendors
- Manage service project and related tasks
- Create customer invoices
- Generate vendor invoces
- Generate customer offers
- Generate vendor purchase orders
- In site project/task/invoice notifications
- CSV data export
- Manage customer preferences and prices
- Manage vendor preferences and prices
- Reporting based on projects, customer and vendor
Manage Own Workspace
- Manage tasks
- Accept / Reject tasks
- Create invoices
- Receive app notifications
- Manage task files
- Manage vacations and holidays
Manage Service Quotes
- Manage projects
- Receive an offers
- Receive invoices
- Manage project files
- Service preferences
LSP sTMS Cloud Portal Features
sTMS Cloud LSP portal is all around transaltion project management lifecycle. From initial definition of a customers and vendors, passing creating project with required customer services and vendors tasks, till sending customer invoices for delivered services.
Portal provice wide range of capabilities allowing definition of fine grane settings
- Manage LSP general data on a side with terms and condition for Customer Offer, Vendor Purchase Order
- Setup LSP multiple companies if required for different aspects of a bussiness
- Manage LSP user role hierarhy
- Define customers and preffered language services and agreed rates
- Define vendors and preffered language services and agreed rates
- Manage Langude definitions
- Manage Currencies definitions
- Translation Project livecycl flow – create of project , add services , send offer, assign vendor tasks to services and add project services to customer invoice after successfull delivery
- Manage Invoices
- Manage vendor Invoices
- Export Data into CSV
- Reporting
- Manage Expertises
- Manage Quality checks for projects

Vendor sTMS Cloud Portal Features
Vendor portal provide vendors capabily directly to manage their tasks and files related to required service delivery assigned by LSP project manager.
Vendor can complete follow activities:
- Receive task assignment
- Manage task status and manage files
- Delive assigned work
- Manage profile prefferences
- Manage own invoices based on tasks
- Simple performance report
- Track quality issues
- Simple dashboard – quick track of tasks
- Manage vacations and non-working calendar days

Customer sTMS Cloud Portal Features
Customer portal provide customer capabily directy to manage their projects and files within specific LSP organization.
Within portal each customer user can do follow activities:
- Create a project request
- Manage project and track their states
- Manage files to projects
- Recieve invoices for completed project services
- Manage profle prefferences
- Simple dashboard – quick track of projects and ivoices